Yikes! I've been dreadful about updating, but you know what they say no news is good news. But actually, all the news has been good and definitely worth sharing!
The grey spots on SP's eye were nothing, just me being a nervous mom and nothing wrong with that! Her vision and eye looked great, the only recommendation was that we start patching again. The good Dr introduced us to patch pals- and what a great thing it is! SP hated the old sticky patches that would rub and sadly end up ripping out some of her eyebrows when we removed it. Patch Pal slips onto her glasses, so no adhesive to rub or irritate or give her an unneeded brow shaping.
SP rocking her Patch Pal :D
We finally made it in for the MRI, it only had to be rescheduled 3X. SP was able to do it unsedated and for that,we are thankful to the awesome techs who could have pressed for sedation.
SP after her MRI.
We were also surprised to find an adorable stuffed dog waiting for SP on her bed when she was done. A big thank you to http://www.alliesfriendsfoundation.org/ they donate stuffed animals to give to children in hospitals in memory of their daughter Allie, who sadly passed away after a freak accident.
MRI RESULTS: Normal cervical spine MRI with no radiographic evidence of JIA.
sheer relief!!!!
and then in with all that excitement we had the Daddy/Daughter Dance. SP and her daddy look forward to that for months! Picking out the dress, hair ornament, corsage, it's a fun time.
what I loved is eye comparison from last year
This year- loving that straight eye!
And we had Easter Fun, egg hunts, baskets, and a nice holiday meal.
That brings me to our eye visit today: No inflammation, eyes are clear and vision is great!
I honestly didn't realize how well she was doing. From where we were 20/200 and all the inflammation, issues, surgeries, etc.. The Dr said getting her to 20/60 or 20/70 would have been a goal, but to have her at 20/40 is just phenomenal. She is never going to have 20/20 vision that's just the way it is, but we'll take this for sure! :D
and the best news is that he feels comfortable seeing her every 3 months now- instead of the every 2-4 weeks we were going up. Yes!
So we have her April visit with her Rheumatologist, but otherwise the schedule is looking clear until the end of June for specialist visits. ahhhhhhhhh....this is wonderful!