Just starting out

Posts will be out of order and dealing with older issues until I get caught up and then it will be in real time :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 1, 2015: The 4th Positive Eye Exam in a Row and Surgery News

It was that time again, time for the drive up to AI Dupont's children's hospital.
Everything proceeded as expected except this time SP needed her eyes dilated and we were not aware of that going into the appointment. If so we would have done a few things differently, such as packed more snacks, taken both Nabi Tablets and maybe Mom and Dad would have popped some Aleve-haha. But yeah, wound up kids while you are impatiently waiting isn't the best thing. On the plus the kids had more time to interact with some other children awaiting their turn in the back.

SP's little brother J-man and a little girl with facial port wine stains got to talk about birthmarks. I was actually surprised when the mother came over and thanked me for the shared opportunity. I tried my best but I think I may have blurted out some politically incorrect nonsense about all kids being "normal" at the hospital. Oops! Hopefully she forgave me that.

So the official word is the disease is still quiet!!!! YAHOO!!!! and there is no inflammation.

Now we went into this appointment expecting to talk glasses and SP was perfectly fine with that (something mommy was not when this whole ride began 2 years ago) and that was great! BUT -you knew that was coming- The Good Dr couldn't check SP's right eye to get the prescription she would need due to Posterior Capsule Opacity which is apparently a fairly common complication of cataract surgery, and with this being SP-of course it would happen to her. So now we're talking a small laser procedure to remove this scar tissue stuff, while SP is awake. Yeah........ She was not happy and her direct quote, "NO! Put me to sleep for it!" echoes my thoughts as well. That is just so much to ask of an almost 7 year old child, to sit still while a laser procedure is done on her eye. Going be asking for a lot of prayers for that one!

In addition to that she needs eye muscle surgery, which we knew about for months. The hope has always been that the eye muscle surgery and additional band keratopathy surgery could be done together, well the band is stable- awesome news! So now we don't have that procedure to contend with for hopefully a year or two. But the PCO laser procedure can be done with the eye muscle surgery...maybe. We have to wait and see what the team of Docs at Dupont think is the right way to proceed. So we will be waiting for their call to get things scheduled. We're hoping for the middle of August, let SP have tons of summer fun (she starts a 4-H camp next week, her first time!) and then lets get these surgeries out of the way before her birthday and the start of 2nd grade, both the very end of August.
(edited to add Surgery is on August 20th)

Speaking of summer fun, nothing better than enjoying the beauty of Longwood Gardens

SP has been enjoying Longwood since she was a wee little girl

1 comment:

  1. It’s good to know that SP’s inflammation did not flare up, as they can be very painful at times. I understand how scary it is for kids to think that they would be operated on while conscious, but I’m sure a bit of simple and on-point explanation could help her alleviate her fear of surgery. Anyway, I hope her eye issues are resolved soon. Take care!

    Lucius Calhoun @ Bolton Vision Centre
